
The Benefits of Grass-Fed Free Range Whey Protein Powder vs Grain Fed Whey Protein Powder

Athletes and health-conscious individuals alike have long been interested in the benefits of protein powder. In recent years, the introduction of grass-fed free range whey protein powder has created a new option for those looking for a healthy, dairy-derived protein powder. In this paper, we will explore the differences between grass-fed free range and grain fed whey protein powders, and discuss the potential benefits of each. Whey protein powder is a dairy-derived supplement created by separating out the proteins from milk. The two main types of whey protein powder are concentrates, which contain lower amounts of fat and lactose, and...

Carb Cycling Guide for Athletes

"This article was originally published at HVMN" 10,080–that’s how many minutes are in a week. Maintaining a diet through all those minutes, for weeks or months, requires supreme, almost unwavering willpower. Even The Rock doesn’t do it; his Sunday night cheat meals are stuff of legend, consisting of thousands of calories of his favorite food. The social side of dieting is tough. It takes dedication to remain unmoved on a diet; happy hour invites, dinners out, work-sponsored lunches–saying “no” to all these are small wins on the battlefield of dieting. For a diet like the ketogenic diet, avoiding carbohydrates can feel like...

Eat Fat to Burn Fat!

Eat fat to burn fat Don’t fear the fat if you wish to lose it!  We have heard it for years and feared it for just as long – “all fats are bad”, but were we getting our facts right?  The truth is that not all fats are created equal and diets higher in fat and lower in processed carbohydrates have been linked to greater lifespan, lower rates of chronic disease, healthier weight levels and increased vitality. Regional diets such as those found around the Mediterranean and in France that take in large amounts of meat, poultry, fish, vegetables and...

Cacao Vs Cocoa

For many of us chocolate is a mouth-watering treat that gets our feel good hormones pumping and is an almost instant mood booster. But for those that have health goals in mind, there can be a vast difference in the type of chocolate you choose to indulge in. “Chocolate is bad for you” and other myths have been around since the dawn of time, but I’m here to tell you that it’s simply not true. As long as you match your health knowledge with your temptations, you can keep skipping along your healthy path! I’m here to clear up the distinctions...

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